Thursday, March 19, 2009

This will be a least 3 posts!

We will start with....

Our New House

So, last month we were going out to visit my parents and noticed a house for rent right around the corner from their house. More curious than anything...we called to inquire details. I think when the lady said the amount ($400 less than we were paying at the time) we were sold!!! So, we schedule a time to go see the place! Here is what we saw....

How could we resist living 1/2 a block from my parents, a full half court basketball court, a gorgeous view from the master bedroom window and the best feature...$400 less than we were paying!!! Our lease for the old house was not technically up until May 1st....we managed to get out of it (long story). So we moved right in!! It was really hard to move away from my sister...but saving money seemed necessary!

We absolutely LOVE our new home!! We have already had our first family basketball game!!!
And the best part.....We are saving $400 per month!!!

Baseball Season!!

YEAH!! We love Baseball season!! Kasey had baseball tryouts last weekend, he was #28 on the roster...he will be playing in the AAA league this year!! We haven't heard what team he will be on but he is playing for Taylorsville this year! Opening day is April 4th!! We are soo excited! Hopefully you can come watch him play!!

Funny Kid Momment!!

I am sure you can imagine that Kylie who is 12 and blonde, can be somewhat...Blonde! The other night we were sitting in the family room watching "Sum of all Fears". A picture of the map showing Israel popped up on the screen..she took this opportunity to sound all smart and says.."hey we live by there"! We said "umm no not so much"! She said..."well...we live by Nephi and Lehi"! Oh how we love her!! We laughed hysterically!!!


So our kids talked us into having their birthday "parties" one week after we moved! They had a 3 day weekend so we had Kylie's on Thursday and Kasey's on Friday. Kylie took 2 of her friends to see the movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic". Jeff was their private driver for the night..he was even dressed up like a limo driver and used his company vehicle for it! After the movie he went out to get the car for us girls and when we walked out he was standing at the side of the vehicle "at ease" just like he does for his real customers. Then as the girls got closer, he opened the door for them and closed it when they were in! We took the girls back to our house where they had a great time chatting and playing! They stayed up ALL night long!!! Then Friday night we took Kasey and 3 of his friends swimming. Then we took 2 of them to our house for a sleepover! It was a crazy yet super fun weekend!!