Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Where does the time go??

Ya know...I am a strange creature!! Nod your head cuz you know it's true! When I am reading other blogs (Daily) I think to myself.."man it has been a month since they updated". Only to realize that I often go a month in between blogs. So, I am sorry for those of you that feel that way about us...I will try to do better.

Baseball, Baseball, Baseball....we thought our season was coming to an end...then Kasey was picked for the Allstar Team!! So, until his Allstar team loses two games...we continue with Baseball! You may think we are obsessed about baseball...kinda have to be with the goals this boy has in place.

So we are driving down Bangerter Highway.....

Kasey: Mom is that a corvette?

Mom: nope.

Kasey: Hmm....well I am going to have a Silver Corvette when I am older.

Mom: Kasey that is a great are you going to get it?

Kasey: Well, I am getting drafted by the Yankees right out of High School.

Mom: Wow, that is a great idea! (despite the Yankees part).

Kasey: Yep! I am going to live in a top floor apartment in New York and play baseball for the Yankees!

Mom: Cool...and drive your silver Corvette around the City?

Kasey: Yep! Live in New York City, Play for the Yankees, Drive my Silver Bullet and have my dog named Steve!

Mom: Kasey, You are such an amazing kid...I support you 100%...but, does it have to be the Yankees?

Kasey: Yep!! So you'll just have to get over it!

Mom: Buddy...I will be the biggest Yankees fan there is when you get drafted!!

Kasey: Well have about 8 years!

I just love his determination!! Kasey is a Great Pitcher! Not as good in the baseball anyway! The other Mom's in the bleachers say if he doesn't make it to the Major league; maybe he could dance on broadway! He is constantly moving around when they put him in the outfield....he seriously dances around, picks the grass, throws his gum in the air...and catches it in his mouth. They love to watch him! The Mom's say they are taking video now so that when he does play for the Yankees they can sell the video on Ebay! When you get the kid up to pitch, he is very serious about the game. Sure Love this boy and pray that he will continue to have high goals and aspirations!! Now, before every game we say "Go Get That Silver Bullet"!!

Dance, Dance, Dance....As the baseball season will soon come to a close, the run around doesn't stop for us!! Kylie has dance tryouts this Friday!! She has been waiting patiently for her turn...and now it has come!! Yes, we know we won't always be able to only have one child in an activity at a time...but it has worked up to this point.

Kennadie is doing a little better now that they have doubled her medication!! She still struggles a little, but at least she can make it 'till her next dose without going into her trance. She was going through a phase where 6pm would hit her like a ton of bricks!! They are doing a 3 day EEG this month (or first part of July if we can make it that long). She is such a sweet little girl!! We just wish she could/would feel good enough to go out to play and make friends like most 7 year olds do!!

Jeff LOVES his new job....but who doesn't in the beginning?? Actually, he enjoys sales and especially loves talking about Real Estate and Flipping Houses. He is doing good at it so keep your fingers crossed that it lasts a very long time!!

Being open 24 hours in my store is working out pretty good! Some days it is extremely slow (4 customers in 4 hours), other days it is great!! Only time will tell! I have a feeling, I won't be in my store much longer though...don't worry...I won't be leaving Maverik anytime soon!

Well, kids should be home soon, and I have to clean the house a bit before baseball practice!!