Sunday, December 21, 2008


Recently, Kasey found a new past time...stopping at the canal on his way home from school! The first day he did this he got in trouble!! Not because he stopped but because he didnt tell anyone he was stopping and then claimed to have "fallen in". Kinda hard to fall in when the road is 8 feet wide!! He said he was taking a shortcut home...(the canal is not on the way home at all). Oh well, we got through it and made a deal that he had to come home first from now on! So, since then he has gone back to the canal a few times. The canal does not have any water in it. The kids jump down in the ravine and look for sink holes of mud. They dig in these little sink holes and pull up CrawDads! They took a bucket with them last week! They filled the bucket with water and loaded it up with approximately 30 crawdads!! They proudly carried there catch home with them!! For the first two days they would check on them and find worms to feed them. Then they lost interest...

A few days later we told Kasey that the crawdads were most likely dead! He refused to believe us....he said "No Mom...they are just hibernating!!" Jeff and I laughed and just let him believe that. After about two more days the water in the bucket was frozen solid!! I said "ok dude their DEAD!!" He said "No Mom...they are just hibernating!!"

So We dumped the bucket over....this is what dropped out...


Hmmm...Sure don't think so!

Needless to say...he lost the battle. The resting place for these wonderful creatures is somewhere in the landfill!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oh the Funny things kids say!

Over the years we have heard some pretty hilarious things come out of our kids mouths. This last week they have just been on a roll. I happened to store a couple in my phone until I had a chance to post again.

So we were driving down Bangerter the other night and out of no where...

Kasey: Mom, I think we are all turning into Mammals!!

Me: (Laughing) As opposed to?

Kasey: Well, aren't we reptiles? It seems lately we are awake at night.

Jeff: Pal We are Mammals!! I think you are thinking of the word Nocturnal!

Too Funny!

So this next one might have even been the next day...but I know it was sometime this week.

Kasey: What is a Sardine?

Kylie: It's a type of fish that lives in a can!!

Jeff and I were laughing hysterically!!! It seems we need to have a lesson of the Animal Kingdom in our household!! I just love my kids!!!

We LOVE Firemen!!!

This story actually proves that we live in such a small world!! Each person that we come in contact with, will at some point play a role in our lives.

Case and point: Some 25 years ago I made friends with a little boy and girl that lived about a block away from us. I won't say by accident, but the circumstances not an everyday occurance. When I was 6 years old there was a neighbor that had gone out of town. That neighbor had asked me to keep an eye on their dog While they were gone. I don't recall the type of dog...only that it was alot bigger than me. Well, the dog managed to get through the fence one day that I went over there. So I chased the dog down the street. The dog went to a duplex about a block away and there was a little girl outside in her front yard. Gabrielle lived across the street from Scott and Leslie. They were brother and sister..Scott was 4 and Leslie was 2. We all played together pretty much everyday..Best of friends!! See, back then playing outside was the Norm! When I was 11 years old my family moved away. I still talked to all of them once in a while until eventually the phone calls and visits ceased. Then when I was 17 years old I really wanted to find Scott and Leslie! So I called every single number in the phone book with their last name...which
is a common one! Eventually I found them and we talked on the phone for a very long time!

Then I tried to find their 17 I sure didn't know my way around the valley. I never did find there house..and again we went without talking. Then when I was 21 I went on the search again!! I found them!! We talked on the phone and we even set Leslie up on a date with Jeff's brother Brad!! I don't recall what we ended up doing on that date...I only remember we were supposed to go to a Baseball game..but it was rained out. Leslie and I talked off and on and when Kasey was maybe a year old we went to visit her whole family!! Leslie and I continued to keep in touch once in a while. After a couple years went by I found her again...this time little Leslie was Married and about to have her first baby!! So we got back in touch and every month for about a year I would go visit her!! Then it was back to our busy lives and we lost touch.....Fast Forward...

Some of you may recall last year when Kennadie had a Grand Mal seizure in her sleep and had to be revived by forward again....A couple months ago when Kylie broke her arm she was transported by ambulance to the hospital.

Well, a couple weeks ago I found Leslie on Facebook!! YEAH!!! As it turns out Scott is a Paramedic....IN WEST VALLEY!!! So Leslie got me in touch with Scott..SO AWESOME!! Although Scott himself was not one of the paramedics to respond to either of my girls...we thought it was AWESOME that he is part of the department that did!!

As a Thank You for all of their service in the community, we decided to do a service project for them!! We took them dinner last Thursday night!!! The kids had an absolute BLAST!! While we were there Scott let them play Fooz Ball, slide down the fire pole, get in the ambulance and put on The special Fire Clothes!!! Then he had the dispatcher sound the alarm and welcome the kids to the Fire Station!! It was a SPECTACULAR experience!! The kids wrote the firemen special Thank You Notes!! Thank You So Much Scott and all of the West Valley City Fire Department!!!

Enjoy the pictures....

Kylie, britton and Kennadie in the Fire Truck!!

Kasey, Kennadie and Kylie, Dressed for the occasion!

Kennadie, Kylie, Scott and Kasey!

This Experience has proved to me that I need to make a special place in my heart for every person I come in contact with!! That 4 year old boy that I met 25 years ago was part of a team that saved one of my children's lives and comforted another when she was in pain! So amazing to me!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

No more cast!!

So, for some this is old news...Kylie finally got her cast off!! It was a great day for us! Perhaps an even better day for her. She hasn't been able to shower alone for two months! She spent alot of time scrubbing the dead skin from her super hairy arm! Overall, very good day! Her Greek play is on December 16th and she is SO excited for it! Thanks to Grandma Clark she has the best costume of all the kids! She is very proud to be a star in a play! We had a Spectacular Thanksgiving!! I only had to work 6 hours on Thanksgiving...UGH! At least it saved me on my Labor Budget!! I am still in my store...but training for my new position on the side. I spent an entire day in the eastern part of Utah a couple weeks ago. In one day we went to Ephraim, Price, Castledale, Huntington and Mt. Pleasant. It was a very long day..but I surely enjoyed it! I was asked to go to Price next week for two days but I turned it down. I am what some call paranoid! It is a few weeks before Christmas and I am afraid of getting in an accident going through that canyon! I know once I am fully in that position I won't be able to pick and choose my road trips but for now I am going to just avoid the possibility of an accident.

Jeff had his first day of training for his new job...just a tour of the airport! Saturday he will tour Park City and then Tuesday he will actually start driving! He will be using a company vehicle for his job...and he gets to bring it home!! Once I start my new position I too will have a company vehicle...Awesome..Yet I will still have my car payment! UGH! He is excited to get back to work full time! He has been an awesome help to me in my store and we will miss his help!! I believe that is about the sum of my update...Take care!!