Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Oh the Funny things kids say!

Over the years we have heard some pretty hilarious things come out of our kids mouths. This last week they have just been on a roll. I happened to store a couple in my phone until I had a chance to post again.

So we were driving down Bangerter the other night and out of no where...

Kasey: Mom, I think we are all turning into Mammals!!

Me: (Laughing) As opposed to?

Kasey: Well, aren't we reptiles? It seems lately we are awake at night.

Jeff: Pal We are Mammals!! I think you are thinking of the word Nocturnal!

Too Funny!

So this next one might have even been the next day...but I know it was sometime this week.

Kasey: What is a Sardine?

Kylie: It's a type of fish that lives in a can!!

Jeff and I were laughing hysterically!!! It seems we need to have a lesson of the Animal Kingdom in our household!! I just love my kids!!!

1 comment:

Brenbren said...

I LOVE kids. I swear the funniest things come out of their mouths! So I would love to add you to our list, but I need your email address. Just leave a comment on my blog with it!