Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Update on Kasey!!

First we spent 2 hours in the surgeons office...then another hour in Medical Imaging and another 3 hours waiting for results!!

We first met with the surgeon; he told us that he felt that this was probably nothing to be too concerned about!! But, he wanted to do a cat scan just to make sure!! We totally thought they would not be doing an I.V but we were wrong!! Kasey is very well known for not tolerating needles or any type of procedure!! He has broken a Dental Hygienists underwire of her bra!! However, he was SOO brave yesterday! The first try he held his breath....the vein blew out! the second try he was more relaxed and it went right in!! He was a trooper!! We took him to "The Point" which is a cafeteria on the top floor of the Huntsman cancer Institute! He loved that! Then we waited....and waited...and waited!!

Finally, the doctor called us and reported that he has a 1cm palpable node on his Hyoid bone!! Nothing to be too concerned about...for now. If it continues to grown then they will do a needle biopsy. He is hesitant to do surgery because of the location! He said he would rather wait until it is absolutely necessary (if ever)!! YEAH!!! We were sooo relieved!! So for now....he is out of the woods...NO SURGERY!!

Kasey and Kylie were supposed to leave for Mill Hollow camp today...notice the "supposed to". Actually Kylie did end up going but Kasey just couldn't bare the thought of leaving his mommy for three whole days!! So, after spending the $55 for registration and another $75 in supplies ...he stayed home!! My boy is never going to leave home!! Oh well, deep down inside it makes me feel good that wanted to stay home with me!! I can't wait for Kylie to come home and tell me all about it!! I still remember when I went to Mill Hollow!!


Kylie and Kallee on the Tram!! Bug waiting for the tram!

On saturday we had a blast of a day with the kids!!! We took the 4 K's (Kallee is our 4th K) up to Snowbird for the afternoon! There was a big barbeque cook off up there and alot of entertainment!! We didn't go for the food...just the entertainment! The girls all went on the trampline bungee while Kasey went rock climbing on the rock wall!! Then when they were done with that we all went on the tram!! Way fun...but way scary!! The tram takes you up to 11,000 feet elevation!! It was sooo beautiful up there, and the breeze felt great up that high! There is still quite a bit of snow left in the back country! Enough that there are still skiers!! It was the last day of the season at snowbird!! We stayed up there for a couple hours and then we went back to Kallee's house for a barbeque! We had so much fun playing monkey golf with her family and my sister's family! It was a great weekend!! Enjoy the pictures...

Monday, June 16, 2008


I know I mentioned how Kasey had become a Yellow Belt in Karate. Well, I am now posting the pictures from that day!! He is taking a break during July for his surgery but hopefully by August he can start back up!! Enjoy the pictures!

Kasey and one of his coaches "Haunchi"

Kasey chopping the board with his hand!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Cheesecakes with Grandma!

Today has been a great Saturday!! Kylie was gone to a slumber party last night and Kasey and Kennadie had a sleepover at Andria's. We had stayed up late (11:00pm) playing poker with Andria and Shane; so we were pretty tired!! Jeff and I slept in until almost 11:00am!!! It felt sooo good!! Then we went to the store to get supplies to make 4 cheesecakes for David's homecoming!! David is Jeff''s youngest brother!! He has been serving a mission in Canada for the last two years!! We enjoyed the peaceful visit to the grocery store...and then we bravely went to Bed Bath and Beyond! I say bravely because we could so easily spend a fortune in there...but we knew we had to refrain!! We only came out of there with one item NOT on our list!! Washclothes!! A much needed extra! My mom came over around 1:00pm to help me get the chessecakes done! Actually it ended up being more of a Grandma and kids project, as I was kinda banished from the process! It was actually alot of fun! We turned up the radio and jammed to the music while mixing and mixing and mixing!!! Jeff was nice enough to mow the lawn for me while I "slaved" away in the kitchen...haha!! After we were done mixing, we cleaned up the mess and started the baking process!! Mom left once we got things cleaned up and then we started on the weekend cleaning of the bedrooms!! Kylie had gotten in the shower while we were cleaning the kitchen..when she got out she started complaining about stomach cramps!! By the time she made it to her room, she was on the floor in tears!! Now she is laying on my bed with a heating pad on her tummy!! Jeff went to the store to get her some Midol!! Needless to say...her room didn't get cleaned!! I would like to believe that it was just an excuse to not get her room done....but I remember the days of having cramps!! What a rotten way to start the summer!! Well, I suppose I should go get ready to head to the airport!! YEAH!! David is coming home!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer in Mesquite!!

As we enter the summer months in Utah...I miss Nevada more and more!! At least in Mesquite you never had to worry about rain every other day!! I was looking at some pictures I had taken during the summer last year. I thought I would share them!! Enjoy!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Okay so the last two days have pretty much been miserable for me!! Please allow me to vent for a minute! Yesterday was my third inspection for the quarter at work! (I have passed the other two with flying colors and high remarks from the higher ups). I got to work with every ambition to help accomplish the list I had made the previous day. This list consisted of things that are standard procedure and also some of nitty gritty work...such as cleaning the air vents in the ceiling, changing air filters, and other major tasks! Sure enough on a day that you have a million things to do and a huge delivery coming in...something is bound to go wrong! Recently they changed our coremark invoicing over to an electronic system. Supposedly it is suppose to take like two minutes to get all of the coremark invoices in the system..(usually a daunting 30 minute task). Naturally, the first time I try to use the sytem I end up with corrupt I called I.T the first time...calm, relaxed almost in a sarcastic tone. Round about the tenth time I had to call I.T. I wasn't so calm, relaxed nor was I even remotely sarcastic!! Meanwhile, I am trying to get everything ready for this PLANNED inspection! By the time 6:30pm came around I was virtually in tears and needed to just go home! So I did!! BIG MISTAKE!! I failed my inspection!! By the time they had come around to do the inspection we had ran out of food on the warmer and we were down to only two Roast beef sandwiches!! I knew this would probably happen...I actually told myself I should stay and make more food!! Even though it is not necessarily my responsibility to make the Director I should have done it before I left and then reemed the Foodservice Manager out the next day! But, I was so exhausted and emotional that I left. So, I kick myself now for allowing myself to fail! My Supervisor tried to make me feel better by reminding me that I had already passed the other two inspections and that I am not required to pass all three! However, in my book....I have to pass all three! I should never settle for par work!! Oh well...I have to just smile and move on!! Next quarter...I WILL pass all three!!

Today was Kasey's follow up appointment for his lump...UGH!!! I am trying to keep my chin up and be positive about this...but just for a minute while I am tucked away in the office of my quiet house...I am going to break! The lump in Kasey's neck has grown significantly since his last appointment. The doctor told us today that it is definately a tumor. He seems to think that it is most likely benign but warned that there is always a possibility of a malignancy. He was really good with Kasey when he was explaining the situation! As the doctor explained to him that what he has is most likely nothing serious and that he can continue to play like he normally would. Kasey was really cute about it....he just said "okay". Once we got in the car Kasey asked me what a tumor was...I basically froze! I explained (in mommy terms) what it was and told him the surgery would be just like the one they did when they removed a lymph node. He point blank asked me if he had Cancer...I boldly said NO!! He said "oh well even if I do..I know I will be fine!! Oh to have the faith of a 9 year old boy!!

We meet with the surgeon on the 24th to have the cat scan done and schedule his surgery!! They will do the bioposy at the time of the surgery! I will for sure keep you updated!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sleepover Mania!!!

Oh My Goodness!!! Since when did sleepovers become SOOO important!!! I swear these children act as if they will die without each other!! Actually I don't mind...I just think it is funny!! I am actually very blessed to have such awesome kids!! The K's have reached an age of independence...obviously to a degree!! When they have sleepovers they keep themselves totally occupied!! Jeff and I hardly even know they are there!! The kids pretty much own the basement of our house, so other than the periodic check on them...they are content to be alone!! The neighbor kids are always talking about how big our house is...Comparatively to their own! They claim that is why they like to hang out here the most! I think it is just because the basement is purely for it isn't very crowded! Kylie and Kalee had like 3 nights at her house then 1 at ours. Kasey and Dylan have pretty much switched off every other night/house! Kennadie is too young to sleep anywhere other than grandma's or aunts and uncles houses! I know that the day will come when she too will want to have multiple sleepovers!! For now she enjoys staying at Andria's about once a week! Right now Kasey and Dylan are playing x-box and Kylie and Madie (another friend) are trying to convince Jeff that they should have a sleepover too!! Luckily...the girls are older and are content hanging out in Kylie's room or hanging out with Jeff and I. So there is never any problem between all of the kids!! As for me I think I will just continue to have sleepovers with Jeff!! Pretty Safe huh?? NOT!! LOL

Kenna's Teeth!!

Obviously I should have posted this blog first...oh well!! When Kennadie loses a tooth it actually becomes teeth within days!! This same thing happened when she lost her bottom teeth! She lost these two teeth within two days of each other!! I think the toothfairy is going to be broke this year!!! My kids have always got the number of dollars for the number of tooth they had lost. So...this was tooth 4 and 5...which equals $9 in two days!! She has learned the best investment in this household!!

Kenna Bug Rides a 2 wheeler!!!...AGAIN!

So this picture was taken right after we moved in!! She actually started riding a two wheeler last year!! However, she seemed to have lost her confidence until now!! She had just lost both of her top teeth like two weeks before!! We just love her toothless grin!! Make sure you click on the picture to make it bigger....she is so beautiful!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Pictures from Carlos Boozer Event!!

Carlos just chit chatting with us!!
Carlos Signing the Jersey my store won!!
He is SOOO Tall!!!
Such an Awesome Experience for Kasey!!

Pictures from Easter Egg Hunt!!

Okay....I am posting a bunch of random pictures!!!
First we have pictures from the Easter Egg Hunt!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Schools Out!!

Ahhh At Last!! No more school for the kiddles!! We can finally go to work without worrying about whether the kids make it to school ok!! That probably sounds worse than it really is!! For the past month, one of us has had to go in later to work!! We would have to wake Kylie up and get her in and out of the shower by 7:00am!! Then Kylie would be responsible for waking Kasey and the bug up and making sure they are ready for school when Andria picked them up!! For the most part she did a great job!! Prior to moving in to our house...I would go to work at 5am and go home at 7:30 to wake them up, get them ready and drive them to West Valley and then drive back to work!! We can't wait until next year!! School hours have changed for next year!! Now they will go to school at 8:00am!! We will still have to wake Kylie up early to make sure she is up and moving before we leave, but, at least they will leave right after we do!!

Kylie has made friends with this girl that lives next to Andria....they are inseparable!! Her name is Kallee!! They have sleep overs as often as possible and go everywhere they can with each other!! Yesterday my niece, Sharnae graduated from high school. Kylie was so upset when we said that Kallee could not come to the graduation with our family!! I have allowed her once or twice to miss family functions for friends...however, I have to draw the line somewhere!!

I forgot to write in my last blog about when I surprised Kasey!! My work was having a special event meeting with a special speaker.....CARLOS BOOZER!!! Originally Jeff was going to go with me but he got caught up at I surprised Kasey and took him!! He got to shake his hand and get his picture taken with him!! My store won a home jersey and naturally I gave it to Kasey!! He had Carlos sign it!! It was a fun experience...I am glad that I took him!

Wednesday was Kasey's field the POOL!! I was very nervous about letting him go...I couldn't consciously keep him from I arranged to leave work early to go with him!! His teacher protested my attending...however I just showed up at the pool!! He had SO much fun with his friends!! He even went on the high dive!!! I know he is a great swimmer...but ever since I found a guy in the bottom of the pool...I am quite leery about swimming pools!!

So, I have to share a funny story!! Today when I was at work...I happened to glance out the window just in time to watch a lady ram her car into the pillar at one of the fuel tanks!! To make matters worse...she backed up and did it again!!!! Then she nonchalantly got out of her car and filled up with fuel!!! Good thing is, hardly any damage was done to my pillar....bad thing is....there was a nice dent in her car!! People were staring at her the whole time!! At first I wondered if she was drunk but she acted perfectly normal....just not very observant to her surroundings!!

Well, Kylie is with Kallee, Kenna is with Grandma Low and Kasey and Dylan (Andria's son) are wanting to play the computer!! I suppose I will go relax and lay down for a bit!!