Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Sleepover Mania!!!

Oh My Goodness!!! Since when did sleepovers become SOOO important!!! I swear these children act as if they will die without each other!! Actually I don't mind...I just think it is funny!! I am actually very blessed to have such awesome kids!! The K's have reached an age of independence...obviously to a degree!! When they have sleepovers they keep themselves totally occupied!! Jeff and I hardly even know they are there!! The kids pretty much own the basement of our house, so other than the periodic check on them...they are content to be alone!! The neighbor kids are always talking about how big our house is...Comparatively to their own! They claim that is why they like to hang out here the most! I think it is just because the basement is purely for entertaining..so it isn't very crowded! Kylie and Kalee had like 3 nights at her house then 1 at ours. Kasey and Dylan have pretty much switched off every other night/house! Kennadie is too young to sleep anywhere other than grandma's or aunts and uncles houses! I know that the day will come when she too will want to have multiple sleepovers!! For now she enjoys staying at Andria's about once a week! Right now Kasey and Dylan are playing x-box and Kylie and Madie (another friend) are trying to convince Jeff that they should have a sleepover too!! Luckily...the girls are older and are content hanging out in Kylie's room or hanging out with Jeff and I. So there is never any problem between all of the kids!! As for me I think I will just continue to have sleepovers with Jeff!! Pretty Safe huh?? NOT!! LOL

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