Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Update on Kasey!!

First we spent 2 hours in the surgeons office...then another hour in Medical Imaging and another 3 hours waiting for results!!

We first met with the surgeon; he told us that he felt that this was probably nothing to be too concerned about!! But, he wanted to do a cat scan just to make sure!! We totally thought they would not be doing an I.V but we were wrong!! Kasey is very well known for not tolerating needles or any type of procedure!! He has broken a Dental Hygienists underwire of her bra!! However, he was SOO brave yesterday! The first try he held his breath....the vein blew out! the second try he was more relaxed and it went right in!! He was a trooper!! We took him to "The Point" which is a cafeteria on the top floor of the Huntsman cancer Institute! He loved that! Then we waited....and waited...and waited!!

Finally, the doctor called us and reported that he has a 1cm palpable node on his Hyoid bone!! Nothing to be too concerned about...for now. If it continues to grown then they will do a needle biopsy. He is hesitant to do surgery because of the location! He said he would rather wait until it is absolutely necessary (if ever)!! YEAH!!! We were sooo relieved!! So for now....he is out of the woods...NO SURGERY!!

Kasey and Kylie were supposed to leave for Mill Hollow camp today...notice the "supposed to". Actually Kylie did end up going but Kasey just couldn't bare the thought of leaving his mommy for three whole days!! So, after spending the $55 for registration and another $75 in supplies ...he stayed home!! My boy is never going to leave home!! Oh well, deep down inside it makes me feel good that wanted to stay home with me!! I can't wait for Kylie to come home and tell me all about it!! I still remember when I went to Mill Hollow!!

1 comment:

Michaelangelo said...

I'm so glad to hear that everything is okay for now. Hopefully it never becomes a big issue. I don't like needles either Kasey- way to go!