Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Valentines Day!!

What a Great Day! Jeff and I have never really been huge on Valentines Day! Last Year I spent it in the hospital, so this year we decided to celebrate our family!! Jeff had to work on Saturday so we went out the Wednesday prior.
I was really excited to show my kids how much I LOVE them!! Jeff was actually excited with me...so much that we spent two days looking for the perfect gifts for them! We just had to have matching necklaces for the girls!! Finally, we found them....at Walmart! Jeff picked out necklaces that said Daddy's Girl and I picked out earrings..hearts and music notes! I packaged them nicely in little red gift bags! Kasey was of coarse a little more difficult...as boys are not really into the frilly things. So we got him his favorite candy...Licorice!

The night before Valentine's I waited patiently...and not so patiently for the kids to go to bed. I cut out a bunch of little hearts and wrote cutesy words on them. Then I taped them to their bedroom doors! With one big one that had their name on it! I put a few little hearts on the piano and set their little gift bags on the piano for them!
Jeff had a little break in between rides that night...so we made the kids a candlelight dinner! It was so fun!! I got a crazy idea as we sat there eating...I had each family member say one thing they loved about each other!! It was sooo neat!! My kids really are soo gooey!! They even included Doc!! We all decided we love Kennadies "Bug Hugs" and laughs! We love how beautiful Kylie is and how she always tells each of us she loves us! We love how Kasey always makes us laugh and tells us he loves us! We love Docs fat rolls and how he waits by the door for us to come home.
This little conversation sure made the rest of the night peaceful and happy! Kylie and Kasey watched a movie QUIETLY together and Bug climbed in our bed with us to watch a movie! It was one of the best Valentines we have ever had!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What not to do....

So, often times parents panic when they see their child choking on something! Unfortunately, my parents weren't here to panic and beat the heck out of my back! Twice in the last month I have choked on my food! And, as it turns out...you are supposed to cough ALL of it out of your windpipe and lungs! A couple days ago I started getting a really bad chest pain! It would worsen when I laughed, took a deep breath or coughed. I went to the doctor today after heeding to my husbands insistance! The doctor ordered an x-ray...and wouldn't you know it...

A pocket of fluid has built up in my left lung....most likely caused by a crumb or piece of food stuck in there!!! So, for the next 3 or 4 days I get to take Ibuprofen to see if the inflammation around it will allow me to hack it back up! If it is still painful, I get to have a CT Scan to help them decide if I will need to have it sucked up through a tube down my throat!!

As if that wasn't enough....my loving doctor says to me "my son had this happen when he was 2 years old". How freaking embarrasing!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hang on a little tighter!

The last couple weeks have been just yanking at my heart strings!! So much that I almost can't even type this....my eyes are blurry with tears!! Over the years I have learned that my family is the absolute most important thing in my life!! Moving away to Mesquite two years ago really defined the importance of family for me! So much that after being away from the most important people for only 9 months...I had to move back to Utah (yes that is why we came back)!

Since we have been back, my sister and I have become extremely close!! She has been my ROCK through everything that has happened in the last two years. Andria and I live a block away from each other...the BEST arrangement EVER!! We (including spouses) climb up on her huge king size bed to watch movies together!! Good Times!!

Two weeks ago she had a hysterectomy, came home and two days later was back in the hospital with an infection. They had to do another surgery to try to clean it out. Unfortunately, she continued to get sicker! Wednesday the doctor had decided she would need a blood transfusion. That night I was taking Sydney and Dylan up to the hospital to visit her in the hospital...

As I was turning off of bangerter onto 90th south, the song "I'll stand by You" by Carrie Underwood came on the radio. I completely LOST IT!! Tears just fell heavily from my eyes and I was practically sobbing. Sydney (who is very in tune with peoples feelings) said..."your crying for my mom huh?" Oh, how I Love Sydney!!!!!!!

I waited patiently that night for Shane to take them home, so I could have my sister to myself (selfish I know). My sister and I had a great heart to heart talk!! My sister is such an amazing example for me! I absolutely LOVE HER!!!!

I am happy to report that her body responded well to the transfusion and the infection has subsided and she is home!!!!! Please Hang on Tighter to your family!! You never know when they will be called home!!

A moment worth blogging!

Let me start by saying, Kasey is such a smart cookie!! I believe he may have gotten my genetics there!! Not so much book smart (as you know I am not)...but very analytical. The other night we were driving home from grocery shopping and this was the conversation...

Kasey: Mom, do you know the definition of yes?

Me: ummm....just yes?

Kasey: No....it is You Estimated Strongly!

Me: (looking for words)...almost believing him...really?

Kasey: Yes! (giggling)

Kasey: Do you know the definition of no?

Me: ummm...no?

Kasey: NOOO...it is No Opinion.

Me: Dude...you can't use the word in the definition of itself.

Kasey: ok then....it means Negative Opinion!

The sad thing is....he was very believable!!! I almost thought I missed something in school!!!

Monday, February 2, 2009


It has almost been a week since Kennadie started her new meds. She was doing really well, and only once complained of a headache. Then a couple nights ago, she fell asleep before taking her pill. I tried to wake her up to take it but she refused to wake up...and if you have ever tried to force a 7 year old to take a pill in their sleep...not so possible! So, I let her go without...HUGE mistake!! It has been three days and she has not quite recovered.. I am amazed at the difference one little pill makes! She has not lost any weight so far...that is a great sign! Hopefully, she never does....otherwise we have to put her on something else!

Jeff is still driving for Park City intermitantly. He is working on a few side projects and is looking for another job until things pan out in that area.

I hope all is well with yours!!

So Crazy...and Funny as ever!

Kennadie is a very independant 7 year old! She loves to play by herself more than with other kids. Partially because she likes to talk to imaginary friends...and also because she is still struggling with headaches. So she prefers to be where it is quiet and mellow! She was playing in her room the other day...playing dress ups! She came out of her room wearing this.......

Ok, now ask me what she is wearing.....go ahead...ask the question....
the answer is......Her blessing Dress!!! Believe it or not, it really is!!
Can you believe it goes to her knees?? Too Funny!!