I was really excited to show my kids how much I LOVE them!! Jeff was actually excited with me...so much that we spent two days looking for the perfect gifts for them! We just had to have matching necklaces for the girls!! Finally, we found them....at Walmart! Jeff picked out necklaces that said Daddy's Girl and I picked out earrings..hearts and music notes! I packaged them nicely in little red gift bags! Kasey was of coarse a little more difficult...as boys are not really into the frilly things. So we got him his favorite candy...Licorice!
The night before Valentine's I waited patiently...and not so patiently for the kids to go to bed. I cut out a bunch of little hearts and wrote cutesy words on them. Then I taped them to their bedroom doors! With one big one that had their name on it! I put a few little hearts on the piano and set their little gift bags on the piano for them!
Jeff had a little break in between rides that night...so we made the kids a candlelight dinner! It was so fun!! I got a crazy idea as we sat there eating...I had each family member say one thing they loved about each other!! It was sooo neat!! My kids really are soo gooey!! They even included Doc!! We all decided we love Kennadies "Bug Hugs" and laughs! We love how beautiful Kylie is and how she always tells each of us she loves us! We love how Kasey always makes us laugh and tells us he loves us! We love Docs fat rolls and how he waits by the door for us to come home.
This little conversation sure made the rest of the night peaceful and happy! Kylie and Kasey watched a movie QUIETLY together and Bug climbed in our bed with us to watch a movie! It was one of the best Valentines we have ever had!!