Sunday, October 18, 2009
So Exciting!!!!!! tease huh! I would love to show you how totally awesome my job is....but Amazing Race is about to I will have to post later!!
A Sleepover at Grandma's
Kennadie is always trying to sneak in a sleepover at Grandma's House! I guess as the youngest child she feels left out when the other two get sleep- over's with friends. So, every so often she calls Grandma Clark and says "remember how you said someday we would have a sleepover" and then of course Grandma says..."yes you can sleep over". So the other night she had done just that...and within minutes of Grandma saying yes, she walked in our room all ready to go!

Teddy Bear and All!!

Teddy Bear and All!!
WOW! The one constant in our life is...nothing stays the same!
Jeff has picked up a job delivering Pizza's for Papa Johns! He works between 40 and 45 hours a we see very little of him.
About a month ago I was FINALLY transferred from my store in South Jordan. I can now be found at the BEAUTIFUL Maverik in Herriman!! I am totally happy with this change!! When I moved to Mesquite, Nevada a couple years ago...all I wanted was to still have a beautiful store but be close to my family!! Now, I have just that!! I have a beautiful store just 4 miles from my house and 4 miles and a couple steps from my parents house!! Obviously, it was sad to let go of store 223 and say my goodbyes to some customers. A few of my loyal customers have started coming to my new store and I have become great friends with new customers. With every store brings new challenges but the beauty of it is that this is my 3rd store as a Director so I amost know everything. I just know I will eventually know it! I can honestly say, I absolutely LOVE my job!!!
The kids are doing great and LOVING living by their Grandma and Grandpa Low.
Jeff has picked up a job delivering Pizza's for Papa Johns! He works between 40 and 45 hours a we see very little of him.
About a month ago I was FINALLY transferred from my store in South Jordan. I can now be found at the BEAUTIFUL Maverik in Herriman!! I am totally happy with this change!! When I moved to Mesquite, Nevada a couple years ago...all I wanted was to still have a beautiful store but be close to my family!! Now, I have just that!! I have a beautiful store just 4 miles from my house and 4 miles and a couple steps from my parents house!! Obviously, it was sad to let go of store 223 and say my goodbyes to some customers. A few of my loyal customers have started coming to my new store and I have become great friends with new customers. With every store brings new challenges but the beauty of it is that this is my 3rd store as a Director so I amost know everything. I just know I will eventually know it! I can honestly say, I absolutely LOVE my job!!!
The kids are doing great and LOVING living by their Grandma and Grandpa Low.
More Owies
Our family has managed to avoid getting any flu bugs or other illnesses. Instead we pick things less Broken Toes. Kasey was playing Soccer at school and attempted kicking athe ball but nailed someones foot instead. He kept telling me he thought he broke it and I kept telling him he probably just jammed it. Finally, the next night when it was still quite swollen and black and blue I took him to the instacare. Sure enough he broke it!! This is his cool boot they put him in...

It lasted about two days before he said...I can walk just fine without this!
Just in case your DID NOT keep him from playing all!! He has since fully healed!

It lasted about two days before he said...I can walk just fine without this!
Just in case your DID NOT keep him from playing all!! He has since fully healed!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Mini Vacation
We had a fantastic opportunity this past weekend!!
The company that Jeff has been driving for periodically set us up with a night stay at Trails End in Park City. I was amazed at the "room" we stayed in. I had never been in a resort before, so I had NO idea what to expect. We stayed in a one bedroom condo up there...fully equipped with a kitchen(cookware and dishes included), living room, bedroom, two bathrooms and a hot tub on the back patio. Incredible!!! We went to dinner at The Prime Steak House! Also, incredible!! The next morning when Jeff went down to ask the front desk what time we needed to check out..the girl said "you just got here, and we dont have anyone staying there tonight..wanna stay another night?" OF COURSE WE DID!!! However, I couldn't keep this awesome opportunity to myself...I insisted we drive home to get the kids! So we did!! Kylie was due home from girls camp that afternoon so we picked her up from the church and told her she would have to wait to shower, because we had to take Daddy to park city for work (ha ha). Then we went to get Kasey and Kennadie from Melissa, Kasey threw a fit because he wanted to stay with his cousins! When we got up to the lodge, we pulled into the garage and started getting out of the car. The kids said "do we HAVE to come in?" We said yes...we will hurry! When we got up to the condo and Jeff used the key to open the door...Kasey in his upset voice said "what are we even doing here?" I nicely replied...this is where we are sleeping tonight! His mood quickly changed as he looked around in disbelief!
We took them down to Main Street and went into a few different shops..Kylie fell in love with the shop called "Mary Janes". Then we went to "The Market" to get some groceries. We went back to the condo and I made a very nice meal for our little family! We watched "Race to Witch Mountain" and the kids enjoyed the hot tub!
The next morning we checked out and ventured back to Main Street. What a fantastic idea! They were having a street market with alot of great FREE activities for the kids!! We spent several hours walking up and down Main Street!! Then we ventured on to the Olympic Museum. It was awesome!! I don't remember anything about the Olympics so it was like my own little Olympic Experience!! I joked with Jeff and the kids and said that my experience of the Olympics was more tropical and relaxing!! HA HA!! I saw the picture of downtown Salt Lake with fireworks over it...WOW! I wish I could have been awake to experience that!! Dangit!
While at the Museum we watched people ski into a swimming pool...I was baffled by that sport! Who would think to ski into a swimming pool?? Oh well, I guess it is supposed to make them better on the snow?
What a fantastic experience this was for our little family!!! Thank You Trails End for our fantastic FREE stay at your resort!!
While up there we saw a convention of Lamborghinni..about 30 of them!!
This is a real Grizzly Bear!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Pinewood Derby
A few months back Kasey had his first Pinewood Derby!! We had just moved into the neighborhood so we didn't get his piece of wood until the night before! He drew the outline on the wood, of the car style he wanted. He carved a few pieces and then Jeff took it to work with him to work on it.
Then.....Kasey found a wounded bird!! His focus quickly changed from needing his car for scouts to getting this bird some help. After he finally caught the bird in a bucket, he wanted to take it to the animal hospital. My mom was quite enamored by his concern for the bird, so she helped him find the number to Animal Control. Kasey dialed the number..

Kasey: I found a bird that has a broken leg....what can I do to help it?
Guy on phone: Fry it up and eat it!
Kasey:..........(handing the phone to grandma) here Grandma you talk to him.
Grandma: (to guy on phone) you cannot talk to a 10 year old like that!!
Guy on Phone: I am sorry, we just get a lot of prank calls around here.
Grandma: Well, my grandson really does have a hurt bird and would like to get it help.
Guy on Phone: Yes we can help it just have him bring it down here.
.jpg) they were leaving I came home and reminded him about his pinewood derby! He was quite frustrated. I think he felt like that was the hardest decision of his life!
Pinewood Derby........or Saving a Bird??
After I convinced him that maybe the bird would make it through the night in the bucket and we could take it the next day...we had ONE HOUR to finish the unpainted, unweighted and wheel-less car!! Thank Goodness for GRANDPA!!!!!!
With Jeff at work and unable to help...Grandpa Low took on the challenge!!
To be completely honest....I thoroughly enjoyed watching Kasey and my dad work on his car. It was very tear jerking actually!! It was an awesome experience and Kasey was so happy to do a project with Grandpa!

Although his Gold car did not win the fastest car race, it did win the slowest car that made it to the finish line race!! Next year....we have requested at least two days notice....ha ha!!
FYI.......the proof but quite likely that.....

I'm thinkin' Chaser (My parents lion) had something to do with it!!
Then.....Kasey found a wounded bird!! His focus quickly changed from needing his car for scouts to getting this bird some help. After he finally caught the bird in a bucket, he wanted to take it to the animal hospital. My mom was quite enamored by his concern for the bird, so she helped him find the number to Animal Control. Kasey dialed the number..

Kasey: I found a bird that has a broken leg....what can I do to help it?
Guy on phone: Fry it up and eat it!
Kasey:..........(handing the phone to grandma) here Grandma you talk to him.
Grandma: (to guy on phone) you cannot talk to a 10 year old like that!!
Guy on Phone: I am sorry, we just get a lot of prank calls around here.
Grandma: Well, my grandson really does have a hurt bird and would like to get it help.
Guy on Phone: Yes we can help it just have him bring it down here.
.jpg) they were leaving I came home and reminded him about his pinewood derby! He was quite frustrated. I think he felt like that was the hardest decision of his life!
Pinewood Derby........or Saving a Bird??
After I convinced him that maybe the bird would make it through the night in the bucket and we could take it the next day...we had ONE HOUR to finish the unpainted, unweighted and wheel-less car!! Thank Goodness for GRANDPA!!!!!!
With Jeff at work and unable to help...Grandpa Low took on the challenge!!
To be completely honest....I thoroughly enjoyed watching Kasey and my dad work on his car. It was very tear jerking actually!! It was an awesome experience and Kasey was so happy to do a project with Grandpa!

Although his Gold car did not win the fastest car race, it did win the slowest car that made it to the finish line race!! Next year....we have requested at least two days notice....ha ha!!
FYI.......the proof but quite likely that.....

I'm thinkin' Chaser (My parents lion) had something to do with it!!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Bring On The Rain!!
"Another Day has almost come and gone
Can't Imagine what else could go wrong
Sometimes I'd like to hide away somewhere and lock the door
A single battle lost but not the war ('cause)
Tomorrow's another day
And I'm thirsty anyway
So bring on the rain"
These are the lyrics to an excellent song!! It is number 15 on my playlist here! It seems that this past month the trials keep coming!
It all started when my Ops Manager(assistant) gave me her notice. You would think with today's economy it would be easy to find a replacement...not so much! By the time I finally found someone capable of the position, her two weeks was up. About 2 days after she gave me her notice I had two other employees with a four hour notice (before his shift was starting), and the other a two day notice(which was when her next shift was). It seemed impossible to find anyone willing to work the shifts that I needed filled. I finally filled the two AG positions this week! So, I am trying to get two new Adventure Guides trained and a new Operations Manager trained. I am looking so forward to a day off..maybe next weekend.
I have been fighting off alot of pain in my shoulder for several months now....well...I finally gave up and went to a doctor. After about a month of trigger point injections and still having problems, I had to have an Arthrogram and MRI last week. I tell ya...whoever has that voodoo doll needs to throw it away and pick a new victim!! The MRI showed my bicept tendon is tearing away from my shoulder, soft tissue tears and bursitis. So...I am heading into surgery in the next few weeks. If you are keeping count...this will be like #18 surgery I think! UGH!!
Jeff's job doesn't seem to be as great as we expected...he hasn't made any commissions in two weeks now!! He wants to keep working on it, but I am quickly losing patience in it! Luckily, the customers he became close to, when driving for Park City are back in town. He has been able to pick up some business from them!! He loves driving for them so it helps boost his self esteem!!
Kennadie is still struggling and is now being referred to a Muscle Specialist. We will be meeting with her neurologist next week to discuss the plan for her treatment. Sometimes we wonder if some of her problems are behavior conditioned. But, then she has an episode of being disoriented, weak, muscle aches, headaches and such. Keep her in your prayers!!
As the song says...
Tommorow is another day!
Bring on the Rain!!
As I always say...Smile and Move On!!
Can't Imagine what else could go wrong
Sometimes I'd like to hide away somewhere and lock the door
A single battle lost but not the war ('cause)
Tomorrow's another day
And I'm thirsty anyway
So bring on the rain"
These are the lyrics to an excellent song!! It is number 15 on my playlist here! It seems that this past month the trials keep coming!
It all started when my Ops Manager(assistant) gave me her notice. You would think with today's economy it would be easy to find a replacement...not so much! By the time I finally found someone capable of the position, her two weeks was up. About 2 days after she gave me her notice I had two other employees with a four hour notice (before his shift was starting), and the other a two day notice(which was when her next shift was). It seemed impossible to find anyone willing to work the shifts that I needed filled. I finally filled the two AG positions this week! So, I am trying to get two new Adventure Guides trained and a new Operations Manager trained. I am looking so forward to a day off..maybe next weekend.
I have been fighting off alot of pain in my shoulder for several months now....well...I finally gave up and went to a doctor. After about a month of trigger point injections and still having problems, I had to have an Arthrogram and MRI last week. I tell ya...whoever has that voodoo doll needs to throw it away and pick a new victim!! The MRI showed my bicept tendon is tearing away from my shoulder, soft tissue tears and bursitis. So...I am heading into surgery in the next few weeks. If you are keeping count...this will be like #18 surgery I think! UGH!!
Jeff's job doesn't seem to be as great as we expected...he hasn't made any commissions in two weeks now!! He wants to keep working on it, but I am quickly losing patience in it! Luckily, the customers he became close to, when driving for Park City are back in town. He has been able to pick up some business from them!! He loves driving for them so it helps boost his self esteem!!
Kennadie is still struggling and is now being referred to a Muscle Specialist. We will be meeting with her neurologist next week to discuss the plan for her treatment. Sometimes we wonder if some of her problems are behavior conditioned. But, then she has an episode of being disoriented, weak, muscle aches, headaches and such. Keep her in your prayers!!
As the song says...
Tommorow is another day!
Bring on the Rain!!
As I always say...Smile and Move On!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Where does the time go??
Ya know...I am a strange creature!! Nod your head cuz you know it's true! When I am reading other blogs (Daily) I think to myself.."man it has been a month since they updated". Only to realize that I often go a month in between blogs. So, I am sorry for those of you that feel that way about us...I will try to do better.
Baseball, Baseball, Baseball....we thought our season was coming to an end...then Kasey was picked for the Allstar Team!! So, until his Allstar team loses two games...we continue with Baseball! You may think we are obsessed about baseball...kinda have to be with the goals this boy has in place.
So we are driving down Bangerter Highway.....
Kasey: Mom is that a corvette?
Mom: nope.
Kasey: Hmm....well I am going to have a Silver Corvette when I am older.
Mom: Kasey that is a great are you going to get it?
Kasey: Well, I am getting drafted by the Yankees right out of High School.
Mom: Wow, that is a great idea! (despite the Yankees part).
Kasey: Yep! I am going to live in a top floor apartment in New York and play baseball for the Yankees!
Mom: Cool...and drive your silver Corvette around the City?
Kasey: Yep! Live in New York City, Play for the Yankees, Drive my Silver Bullet and have my dog named Steve!
Mom: Kasey, You are such an amazing kid...I support you 100%...but, does it have to be the Yankees?
Kasey: Yep!! So you'll just have to get over it!
Mom: Buddy...I will be the biggest Yankees fan there is when you get drafted!!
Kasey: Well have about 8 years!
I just love his determination!! Kasey is a Great Pitcher! Not as good in the baseball anyway! The other Mom's in the bleachers say if he doesn't make it to the Major league; maybe he could dance on broadway! He is constantly moving around when they put him in the outfield....he seriously dances around, picks the grass, throws his gum in the air...and catches it in his mouth. They love to watch him! The Mom's say they are taking video now so that when he does play for the Yankees they can sell the video on Ebay! When you get the kid up to pitch, he is very serious about the game. Sure Love this boy and pray that he will continue to have high goals and aspirations!! Now, before every game we say "Go Get That Silver Bullet"!!
Dance, Dance, Dance....As the baseball season will soon come to a close, the run around doesn't stop for us!! Kylie has dance tryouts this Friday!! She has been waiting patiently for her turn...and now it has come!! Yes, we know we won't always be able to only have one child in an activity at a time...but it has worked up to this point.
Kennadie is doing a little better now that they have doubled her medication!! She still struggles a little, but at least she can make it 'till her next dose without going into her trance. She was going through a phase where 6pm would hit her like a ton of bricks!! They are doing a 3 day EEG this month (or first part of July if we can make it that long). She is such a sweet little girl!! We just wish she could/would feel good enough to go out to play and make friends like most 7 year olds do!!
Jeff LOVES his new job....but who doesn't in the beginning?? Actually, he enjoys sales and especially loves talking about Real Estate and Flipping Houses. He is doing good at it so keep your fingers crossed that it lasts a very long time!!
Being open 24 hours in my store is working out pretty good! Some days it is extremely slow (4 customers in 4 hours), other days it is great!! Only time will tell! I have a feeling, I won't be in my store much longer though...don't worry...I won't be leaving Maverik anytime soon!
Well, kids should be home soon, and I have to clean the house a bit before baseball practice!!
Baseball, Baseball, Baseball....we thought our season was coming to an end...then Kasey was picked for the Allstar Team!! So, until his Allstar team loses two games...we continue with Baseball! You may think we are obsessed about baseball...kinda have to be with the goals this boy has in place.
So we are driving down Bangerter Highway.....
Kasey: Mom is that a corvette?
Mom: nope.
Kasey: Hmm....well I am going to have a Silver Corvette when I am older.
Mom: Kasey that is a great are you going to get it?
Kasey: Well, I am getting drafted by the Yankees right out of High School.
Mom: Wow, that is a great idea! (despite the Yankees part).
Kasey: Yep! I am going to live in a top floor apartment in New York and play baseball for the Yankees!
Mom: Cool...and drive your silver Corvette around the City?
Kasey: Yep! Live in New York City, Play for the Yankees, Drive my Silver Bullet and have my dog named Steve!
Mom: Kasey, You are such an amazing kid...I support you 100%...but, does it have to be the Yankees?
Kasey: Yep!! So you'll just have to get over it!
Mom: Buddy...I will be the biggest Yankees fan there is when you get drafted!!
Kasey: Well have about 8 years!
I just love his determination!! Kasey is a Great Pitcher! Not as good in the baseball anyway! The other Mom's in the bleachers say if he doesn't make it to the Major league; maybe he could dance on broadway! He is constantly moving around when they put him in the outfield....he seriously dances around, picks the grass, throws his gum in the air...and catches it in his mouth. They love to watch him! The Mom's say they are taking video now so that when he does play for the Yankees they can sell the video on Ebay! When you get the kid up to pitch, he is very serious about the game. Sure Love this boy and pray that he will continue to have high goals and aspirations!! Now, before every game we say "Go Get That Silver Bullet"!!
Dance, Dance, Dance....As the baseball season will soon come to a close, the run around doesn't stop for us!! Kylie has dance tryouts this Friday!! She has been waiting patiently for her turn...and now it has come!! Yes, we know we won't always be able to only have one child in an activity at a time...but it has worked up to this point.
Kennadie is doing a little better now that they have doubled her medication!! She still struggles a little, but at least she can make it 'till her next dose without going into her trance. She was going through a phase where 6pm would hit her like a ton of bricks!! They are doing a 3 day EEG this month (or first part of July if we can make it that long). She is such a sweet little girl!! We just wish she could/would feel good enough to go out to play and make friends like most 7 year olds do!!
Jeff LOVES his new job....but who doesn't in the beginning?? Actually, he enjoys sales and especially loves talking about Real Estate and Flipping Houses. He is doing good at it so keep your fingers crossed that it lasts a very long time!!
Being open 24 hours in my store is working out pretty good! Some days it is extremely slow (4 customers in 4 hours), other days it is great!! Only time will tell! I have a feeling, I won't be in my store much longer though...don't worry...I won't be leaving Maverik anytime soon!
Well, kids should be home soon, and I have to clean the house a bit before baseball practice!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
So Consumed!!
We apologize for not keeping up on the blogging! We really do have SO many things going on around us! I am multi-multi tasking just to get this blog in.
Let's start with our Favorite past time....

"Pictures courtesy of Aunt Melissa"
Or Should I say....Our only past time! Kasey really loves his baseball!! We spend 6 days a week involved in baseball!! He is an Amazing Pitcher for a 10 year old! Our first game I had a funny experience in the bleachers. I am the type of Mom that just sits and watches and lets the coaches (Jeff is one of them) do the critiquing! It is amazing to me how competitive the PARENTS are with this sport. Well, Kasey came in to pitch the third inning (after having pitched the first two) and one of the mothers got upset! See, in AAA they have a rule that 12 year old's can only pitch 2 innings. She got all worked up that the umpire was letting him continue pitching...then she was told he was only 10. So funny to be the mother of this awesome 10 year old..I just bit my tongue!! I must say I am one of the proudest mothers on this team...despite the fact that they are Yankees! I told Kasey I would cheer for him and his teammates individually but never for the Yankees!! When he is playing in the Major League Professionals and gets drafted to the Yankees...I might make a slight adjustment! BUT...not until!!
Almost two weeks ago we managed to find a couple hours to get our Garden done!! We are so this is our first Garden Ever!! We Planted... 1 plant of Celebrity Tomatoes, 4 Roma Tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 squash, lots of peas (of coarse) and a row of beets!! We will be adding zucchini to it this weekend!! We will keep you updated on it's progress!!
This is how the whole garden area looked before.....

This is what it looked like all tilled and ready for planting...

Doc LOVES gardening...hehe more like he just loves to lay in the middle of it!!

Even Kylie helped us out!!

Like I said...He loves to lay in the middle of it!! He wouldn't budge while we were out there!!

As much as I love the thought of having a garden...and will be thrilled to enjoy the "fruits of our labor"...I Love the company of my Doc even more!!'s time to go finish making signs for my store...We are going 24 hours starting tomorrow!!! I am so nervous to make it successful...but I know I can do it!!
Let's start with our Favorite past time....

Or Should I say....Our only past time! Kasey really loves his baseball!! We spend 6 days a week involved in baseball!! He is an Amazing Pitcher for a 10 year old! Our first game I had a funny experience in the bleachers. I am the type of Mom that just sits and watches and lets the coaches (Jeff is one of them) do the critiquing! It is amazing to me how competitive the PARENTS are with this sport. Well, Kasey came in to pitch the third inning (after having pitched the first two) and one of the mothers got upset! See, in AAA they have a rule that 12 year old's can only pitch 2 innings. She got all worked up that the umpire was letting him continue pitching...then she was told he was only 10. So funny to be the mother of this awesome 10 year old..I just bit my tongue!! I must say I am one of the proudest mothers on this team...despite the fact that they are Yankees! I told Kasey I would cheer for him and his teammates individually but never for the Yankees!! When he is playing in the Major League Professionals and gets drafted to the Yankees...I might make a slight adjustment! BUT...not until!!
Almost two weeks ago we managed to find a couple hours to get our Garden done!! We are so this is our first Garden Ever!! We Planted... 1 plant of Celebrity Tomatoes, 4 Roma Tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 1 squash, lots of peas (of coarse) and a row of beets!! We will be adding zucchini to it this weekend!! We will keep you updated on it's progress!!
This is how the whole garden area looked before.....

This is what it looked like all tilled and ready for planting...

Doc LOVES gardening...hehe more like he just loves to lay in the middle of it!!

Even Kylie helped us out!!

Like I said...He loves to lay in the middle of it!! He wouldn't budge while we were out there!!

As much as I love the thought of having a garden...and will be thrilled to enjoy the "fruits of our labor"...I Love the company of my Doc even more!!'s time to go finish making signs for my store...We are going 24 hours starting tomorrow!!! I am so nervous to make it successful...but I know I can do it!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
This will be a least 3 posts!
We will start with....
Our New House
So, last month we were going out to visit my parents and noticed a house for rent right around the corner from their house. More curious than anything...we called to inquire details. I think when the lady said the amount ($400 less than we were paying at the time) we were sold!!! So, we schedule a time to go see the place! Here is what we saw....

How could we resist living 1/2 a block from my parents, a full half court basketball court, a gorgeous view from the master bedroom window and the best feature...$400 less than we were paying!!! Our lease for the old house was not technically up until May 1st....we managed to get out of it (long story). So we moved right in!! It was really hard to move away from my sister...but saving money seemed necessary!
We absolutely LOVE our new home!! We have already had our first family basketball game!!!
And the best part.....We are saving $400 per month!!!
Our New House
So, last month we were going out to visit my parents and noticed a house for rent right around the corner from their house. More curious than anything...we called to inquire details. I think when the lady said the amount ($400 less than we were paying at the time) we were sold!!! So, we schedule a time to go see the place! Here is what we saw....

How could we resist living 1/2 a block from my parents, a full half court basketball court, a gorgeous view from the master bedroom window and the best feature...$400 less than we were paying!!! Our lease for the old house was not technically up until May 1st....we managed to get out of it (long story). So we moved right in!! It was really hard to move away from my sister...but saving money seemed necessary!
We absolutely LOVE our new home!! We have already had our first family basketball game!!!
And the best part.....We are saving $400 per month!!!
Baseball Season!!
YEAH!! We love Baseball season!! Kasey had baseball tryouts last weekend, he was #28 on the roster...he will be playing in the AAA league this year!! We haven't heard what team he will be on but he is playing for Taylorsville this year! Opening day is April 4th!! We are soo excited! Hopefully you can come watch him play!!

Funny Kid Momment!!
I am sure you can imagine that Kylie who is 12 and blonde, can be somewhat...Blonde! The other night we were sitting in the family room watching "Sum of all Fears". A picture of the map showing Israel popped up on the screen..she took this opportunity to sound all smart and says.."hey we live by there"! We said "umm no not so much"! She said..."well...we live by Nephi and Lehi"! Oh how we love her!! We laughed hysterically!!!
So our kids talked us into having their birthday "parties" one week after we moved! They had a 3 day weekend so we had Kylie's on Thursday and Kasey's on Friday. Kylie took 2 of her friends to see the movie "Confessions of a Shopaholic". Jeff was their private driver for the night..he was even dressed up like a limo driver and used his company vehicle for it! After the movie he went out to get the car for us girls and when we walked out he was standing at the side of the vehicle "at ease" just like he does for his real customers. Then as the girls got closer, he opened the door for them and closed it when they were in! We took the girls back to our house where they had a great time chatting and playing! They stayed up ALL night long!!! Then Friday night we took Kasey and 3 of his friends swimming. Then we took 2 of them to our house for a sleepover! It was a crazy yet super fun weekend!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Happy Valentines Day!!
What a Great Day! Jeff and I have never really been huge on Valentines Day! Last Year I spent it in the hospital, so this year we decided to celebrate our family!! Jeff had to work on Saturday so we went out the Wednesday prior.

I was really excited to show my kids how much I LOVE them!! Jeff was actually excited with much that we spent two days looking for the perfect gifts for them! We just had to have matching necklaces for the girls!! Finally, we found Walmart! Jeff picked out necklaces that said Daddy's Girl and I picked out earrings..hearts and music notes! I packaged them nicely in little red gift bags! Kasey was of coarse a little more boys are not really into the frilly things. So we got him his favorite candy...Licorice!
The night before Valentine's I waited patiently...and not so patiently for the kids to go to bed. I cut out a bunch of little hearts and wrote cutesy words on them. Then I taped them to their bedroom doors! With one big one that had their name on it! I put a few little hearts on the piano and set their little gift bags on the piano for them!
Jeff had a little break in between rides that we made the kids a candlelight dinner! It was so fun!! I got a crazy idea as we sat there eating...I had each family member say one thing they loved about each other!! It was sooo neat!! My kids really are soo gooey!! They even included Doc!! We all decided we love Kennadies "Bug Hugs" and laughs! We love how beautiful Kylie is and how she always tells each of us she loves us! We love how Kasey always makes us laugh and tells us he loves us! We love Docs fat rolls and how he waits by the door for us to come home.
This little conversation sure made the rest of the night peaceful and happy! Kylie and Kasey watched a movie QUIETLY together and Bug climbed in our bed with us to watch a movie! It was one of the best Valentines we have ever had!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009
What not to do....
So, often times parents panic when they see their child choking on something! Unfortunately, my parents weren't here to panic and beat the heck out of my back! Twice in the last month I have choked on my food! And, as it turns are supposed to cough ALL of it out of your windpipe and lungs! A couple days ago I started getting a really bad chest pain! It would worsen when I laughed, took a deep breath or coughed. I went to the doctor today after heeding to my husbands insistance! The doctor ordered an x-ray...and wouldn't you know it...
A pocket of fluid has built up in my left lung....most likely caused by a crumb or piece of food stuck in there!!! So, for the next 3 or 4 days I get to take Ibuprofen to see if the inflammation around it will allow me to hack it back up! If it is still painful, I get to have a CT Scan to help them decide if I will need to have it sucked up through a tube down my throat!!
As if that wasn't loving doctor says to me "my son had this happen when he was 2 years old". How freaking embarrasing!!
A pocket of fluid has built up in my left lung....most likely caused by a crumb or piece of food stuck in there!!! So, for the next 3 or 4 days I get to take Ibuprofen to see if the inflammation around it will allow me to hack it back up! If it is still painful, I get to have a CT Scan to help them decide if I will need to have it sucked up through a tube down my throat!!
As if that wasn't loving doctor says to me "my son had this happen when he was 2 years old". How freaking embarrasing!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Hang on a little tighter!
The last couple weeks have been just yanking at my heart strings!! So much that I almost can't even type eyes are blurry with tears!! Over the years I have learned that my family is the absolute most important thing in my life!! Moving away to Mesquite two years ago really defined the importance of family for me! So much that after being away from the most important people for only 9 months...I had to move back to Utah (yes that is why we came back)!
Since we have been back, my sister and I have become extremely close!! She has been my ROCK through everything that has happened in the last two years. Andria and I live a block away from each other...the BEST arrangement EVER!! We (including spouses) climb up on her huge king size bed to watch movies together!! Good Times!!
Two weeks ago she had a hysterectomy, came home and two days later was back in the hospital with an infection. They had to do another surgery to try to clean it out. Unfortunately, she continued to get sicker! Wednesday the doctor had decided she would need a blood transfusion. That night I was taking Sydney and Dylan up to the hospital to visit her in the hospital...
As I was turning off of bangerter onto 90th south, the song "I'll stand by You" by Carrie Underwood came on the radio. I completely LOST IT!! Tears just fell heavily from my eyes and I was practically sobbing. Sydney (who is very in tune with peoples feelings) said..."your crying for my mom huh?" Oh, how I Love Sydney!!!!!!!
I waited patiently that night for Shane to take them home, so I could have my sister to myself (selfish I know). My sister and I had a great heart to heart talk!! My sister is such an amazing example for me! I absolutely LOVE HER!!!!
I am happy to report that her body responded well to the transfusion and the infection has subsided and she is home!!!!! Please Hang on Tighter to your family!! You never know when they will be called home!!
Since we have been back, my sister and I have become extremely close!! She has been my ROCK through everything that has happened in the last two years. Andria and I live a block away from each other...the BEST arrangement EVER!! We (including spouses) climb up on her huge king size bed to watch movies together!! Good Times!!
Two weeks ago she had a hysterectomy, came home and two days later was back in the hospital with an infection. They had to do another surgery to try to clean it out. Unfortunately, she continued to get sicker! Wednesday the doctor had decided she would need a blood transfusion. That night I was taking Sydney and Dylan up to the hospital to visit her in the hospital...
As I was turning off of bangerter onto 90th south, the song "I'll stand by You" by Carrie Underwood came on the radio. I completely LOST IT!! Tears just fell heavily from my eyes and I was practically sobbing. Sydney (who is very in tune with peoples feelings) said..."your crying for my mom huh?" Oh, how I Love Sydney!!!!!!!
I waited patiently that night for Shane to take them home, so I could have my sister to myself (selfish I know). My sister and I had a great heart to heart talk!! My sister is such an amazing example for me! I absolutely LOVE HER!!!!
I am happy to report that her body responded well to the transfusion and the infection has subsided and she is home!!!!! Please Hang on Tighter to your family!! You never know when they will be called home!!
A moment worth blogging!
Let me start by saying, Kasey is such a smart cookie!! I believe he may have gotten my genetics there!! Not so much book smart (as you know I am not)...but very analytical. The other night we were driving home from grocery shopping and this was the conversation...
Kasey: Mom, do you know the definition of yes?
Me: ummm....just yes?
Kasey: is You Estimated Strongly!
Me: (looking for words)...almost believing him...really?
Kasey: Yes! (giggling)
Kasey: Do you know the definition of no?
Kasey: is No Opinion.
Me: can't use the word in the definition of itself.
Kasey: ok means Negative Opinion!
The sad thing is....he was very believable!!! I almost thought I missed something in school!!!
Kasey: Mom, do you know the definition of yes?
Me: ummm....just yes?
Kasey: is You Estimated Strongly!
Me: (looking for words)...almost believing him...really?
Kasey: Yes! (giggling)
Kasey: Do you know the definition of no?
Kasey: is No Opinion.
Me: can't use the word in the definition of itself.
Kasey: ok means Negative Opinion!
The sad thing is....he was very believable!!! I almost thought I missed something in school!!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
It has almost been a week since Kennadie started her new meds. She was doing really well, and only once complained of a headache. Then a couple nights ago, she fell asleep before taking her pill. I tried to wake her up to take it but she refused to wake up...and if you have ever tried to force a 7 year old to take a pill in their sleep...not so possible! So, I let her go without...HUGE mistake!! It has been three days and she has not quite recovered.. I am amazed at the difference one little pill makes! She has not lost any weight so far...that is a great sign! Hopefully, she never does....otherwise we have to put her on something else!
Jeff is still driving for Park City intermitantly. He is working on a few side projects and is looking for another job until things pan out in that area.
I hope all is well with yours!!
Jeff is still driving for Park City intermitantly. He is working on a few side projects and is looking for another job until things pan out in that area.
I hope all is well with yours!!
So Crazy...and Funny as ever!
Kennadie is a very independant 7 year old! She loves to play by herself more than with other kids. Partially because she likes to talk to imaginary friends...and also because she is still struggling with headaches. So she prefers to be where it is quiet and mellow! She was playing in her room the other day...playing dress ups! She came out of her room wearing this.......

Ok, now ask me what she is wearing.....go ahead...ask the question....
the answer is......Her blessing Dress!!! Believe it or not, it really is!!
Can you believe it goes to her knees?? Too Funny!!

Ok, now ask me what she is wearing.....go ahead...ask the question....
the answer is......Her blessing Dress!!! Believe it or not, it really is!!
Can you believe it goes to her knees?? Too Funny!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
How about that fog we had the other night...we were driving home in it.
As most of you know....I DO NOT bake!!! Lucky for me.....Kennadie does! You see, I LOVE sweets! Not so much candy...but put a pastry in front of me and I'm sold! A couple weeks ago Kennadie begged and pleaded to make cupcakes! So...I watched...and Kenna poured, mixed, filled the papers, and baked cupcakes!! She made these cupcakes from start to finish all by herself!!! It was adorable to watch her!! She took much pride in the process...oh and did I mention...she ate them too! Well, we each got one and she got the rest!
Is this not an awesome view....that is the sunrise shining on the oquirrh mountains. I looked up from my desk one day at work and this is what I saw! It didn't last very long...after I took the picture and plugged in a few more sales numbers, I looked back up and it was dark and smoggy!

These girls are inseperable!! They remind me of when I was their age. I am always telling them to hang on to each other because as they grow older, they may grow apart and it is heartbreaking to go through that process! I miss the best friends I had growing up!! Such cute girls!!
This is a picture from Kylie's Greek Play! She did such a good job! Honestly...she was the only one that was actually theatrical! She really got into her character! It was fun to see her use her naturally born talent!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The past month in a...not so nutshell
WOW! Can we say or however that is supposed to be spelled. I am sitting here in bed blogging!! Yeah that means we have internet!! Of coarse I couldn't afford to get the computer fixed, so we are borrowing a laptop! No more bugging Andria to use their computer!

This past month has been full of so many bloggable things.
FYI one thing you may not know about me is that I create my own words. Jeff and I have decided I should write a dictionary! For instance: I had a knot in the part of my neck that connects to my shoulder...I said "Honey will you work this knot in my Shneck". Another instance: tonight we were walking into the hospital to visit my sister and I said "I am going to die of coldation". That is just a couple samples of my upcoming dictionary.
Okay lets start with Christmas....
As our kids get older it seems we get less and less excited for Christmas to come around. Some think this is because of the children's belief system weakening...we believe it is because we realize the older they get...the more expensive Christmas becomes! Jeff and I have always had such a minimal budget for Christmas that we prefer to spend what we have on the kids. This year we spent a total of......$1500 on everything!! This included kids, nieces and nephews, siblings and parents. Not one penny was on we don't have any credit cards!!
Kylie LOVED finding her Hot Pink Ipod in the very top of the tree, Kasey was THRILLED to get his awesome Heely's and Kennadie thought it was pretty NEAT to be the only one to get a pink motorized scooter!! Overall, it was a great Christmas for our family!
New Year's Eve is always fun for us! I say that with some see it is almost impossible to get babysitters on New Years Eve. So for the second year in a row I enjoyed a little karoake with my sister and the kids!! Jeff had to work all night so he didn't get to join us! By 11:00pm I was soo ready for bed! Yes I was in bed....asleep before midnight!!
Jeff enjoyed his experience of driving during Sundance. He met alot of very neat and some interesting people....or is it the other way around? He has a family that he has become good friends with!! He is their personal driver now! He has really enjoyed this experience!
FYI...I really should be going to bed....but I know I am so behind on this blogging thing! here is the scoop on Kennadie:
If you haven't heard, she has really been struggling with Migraines lately. With her history of seizures her neurologist wanted to be on the safe side and do an MRI. Initially on the MRI they just found an excessive amount of blood flow to her brain...just something to be aware of. The doctor wanted to get a second opinion from another we waited...and waited. That radiologist suggested they compare this MRI to one she had about 4 years ago. In doing so they found that her Brain Stem (or tonsil) is larger than they would have expected. What does all of this mean? Well, it means she will have another MRI in 5 years to compare (unless something provokes them to do one sooner). As, you well know this is very touchy ground for me; as I have Chiari and refuse to accept that my daughter or any of my children for that matter could have it! The good news is that it could just be that the brain stem could be normal and be nothing. In the meantime, for her pain they have put her on Topomax; it seems to be working pretty well for her! She still complains of a headache every couple days, but Leaps and Bounds better than when she would hold her head and rock on the couch because it hurt so bad!
Speaking of the Chiari....I reached my 1 year mark from my second surgery!! January 20th marked the special day. Back in November I decided that I would celebrate the anniversay by cutting my hair to the length of the regrowth from surgery. It was about 8 - 10 inches of hair! It was a very very sad moment for me!! I can't wait to grow it all back!! It looks much healthier and obviously thicker now!!

I have sooo much I want to blog about, but I am watching the clock in the bottom right corner of the screen...and it says I should really go to bed! Have I mentioned...I hate waking up at 4am for work?? Well...I DO! I will continue with more updates tomorrow!!
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